
My Favorite Website

I would say one of my favorite websites is the Google email. I check my emails multiple times a day and the website looks never makes me tired. Gmail is so straight forward and simple to use but at the same time it also gives me freedom to customize my page, choose the color and background, and create different labels. I like the contrast between the "read" and "unread" emails because just by looking at the transparency of the email, it is possible to notice if the message is old or new. Also, the new ones show up in a bold font, while the already read ones stay in regular font. Another contrast element I like is the labels/categories. Each person can customize their own labels by naming it and changing its colors for their own taste. This feature is very helpful to maintain the order on my email page by also using repetition. Every time I get an email from UTSA, it appears in red, so I know every red email is from my university; when I get an email from the place

How I Made My Blog Look Better

In order to make the blog look nicer, I used the four principles of design: contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Following the rules of contrast and repetition, I used the same font, size, and color for all of my posts so it wouldn't look messy or overwhelmed. This also shows unity of my overall design instead of each post having a different identity. The only thing that is highlighted is the title of the blog, which has an image of the ocean behind it.  In the blog theme I picked, everything is already nicely aligned and shows a connection between each element. The date is right under the title and before the content of the post, connecting this two information to when it was written. The color is bit lighter because it is not the most important text of that page. Lastly, I added some gadgets such as the Translation button, Archives, Labels, and Report Abuse. Because they are all extra features, I put them all on the left side on the screen, after you click o

Why I Want a Degree From UTSA?

As an international student, choosing an university outside of my country was very hard. However, I had the chance to hear about the University of Texas at San Antonio and after a lot of research I gave it a shot. I decided to get my Communication degree at UTSA not only because of the variety of classes and scholarships offered in the major, but also because no matter how much the university grows, it will always be a diverse and inclusive place, where people live as a community, as Runners. I really like to be engaged on campus and I believe UTSA offers me what I need.